Description Ex. 1. What terms will fill the blank spaces?
Z, X, V, T, R, (…….. ), (……… )
(a) 0, K
(b) N, M
(c) K, S
(d) M, N
(e) P, N
Ans. Clearly, the given series consists of alternate letters in a reverse order. So, the missing terms would be P and N. Hence, the answer is (e).
Ex. 2. Which term comes next in the sequence: nd iy dt yo tj ?
(a) mp
(b) nq
(c) of
(d) oe
(e) me
Ans. Clearly, the first and second letters of each term are moved five steps backward to obtain the corresponding letters of the next term.
Hence, the answer is (d).
Ex. 3. What will be the next term in : BDF, CFI, DHL, ?
(a) CJM
(b) ElM
(c) EJO
(d) EMI
ANs. Clearly, the first, second and third letters of each term are respectively moved one, two and three steps forward to obtain the corresponding letters of the next
term. So, the missing term is EJO. Hence, the answer is (c).
Ex. 4. Which term comes next in the series: YEB, WFD, UHG, SKI?
(a) QOL
(b) QGL
(c) TOL
(d) QNL
Ans. Clearly, the first letter of each term is moved two steps backward to obtain the first letter of the next term. So, the first letter of the missing term will be Q. The second letter of the first, second, third, fourth terms are respectively moved one, two, three and four steps forward to obtain the corresponding letter of the subsequent term. So, the second letter in the missing term will be O. The third letter is alternately moved two and three steps forward to obtain the corresponding letter of the subsequent term. 80, the third letter in the missingterm will be L. Thus, the missing term is QOL. Hence, the answer is (a).
Ex. 5. Which term will replace the question mark in the series:
ABD, DGK, HM8, MTB, 8BL, ? -
(a) ZKW
(b) ZKD
(c) ZAB
(d) XKW
Ans. Clearly, the first letters of the first, second, third, fourth and fifth terms are moved three, four, five, six and seven steps forward respectively to obtain the first letter of the successive terms. The second letters of the first, second, third, fourth and fifth terms are moved five, six, seven, eight and nine steps forward respectively to obtain the second letter of the successive terms. The third letters of the first, second, third, fourth and fifth terms are moved seven, eight, nine, ten and eleven steps forward respectively to obtain the third letter of the successive terms. Thus, the missing term would be ZKW. Hence, the answer is (a).
Ex. 6. Choose the term which will continue the following series:
P 3 C, R 5 F, T 8 I, V 12 L, ?
Ans. Clearly, the first letters of the terms are alternate.The sequence followed by the numbers is + 2, + 3, + 4, … . The last letter of each term is three steps ahead of the last letter of the preceding term. Thus, the next term would be X 17 O. Hence, the answer is (c)