GMAT Verbal Section : GMAT Sample Sentence Correction Questions
Directions: This GMAT sample sentence correction question presents a sentence, all or part of which is underlined. Beneath the sentence you will find five ways of phrasing the underlined part. The first of these repeats the original; the other four are different. If you think the original is best, choose the first answer; otherwise choose one of the others.
This GMAT smple sentence correction question tests correctness and effectiveness of expression. In choosing your answer, follow the requirements of standard written english; that is, pay attention to grammar, choice of words, and sentence construction. Choose the answer that produces the most effective sentence; this answer should be clear and exact, without awkwardness, ambiguity, redundancy, or grammatical error.
- Researchers at Cornell university have demonstrated that homing pigeons can sense changes in the earth's magnetic field, see light waves that people cannot see, detect low-frequency sounds from miles away, sense changes in air pressure, and can identify familiar odors.
- sense changes in air pressure, and can identify familiar odors
- can sense changes in air pressure, and can identify familiar odors
- sense changes in air pressure, and identify familiar odors
- air pressure changes can be sensed, and familiar odors identified
- air pressure changes are sensed, and familiar odors identified
Answer : C
- In ancient times, Nubia was the principal corridor where there were cultural influences transmitted between Black Africa and the Mediterranean basin.
- where there were cultural influences transmitted
- through which cultural influences were transmitted
- where there was a transmission of cultural influences
- for the transmitting of cultural influences
- which was transmitting cultural influences
Answer : B
- It is a special feature of cell aggregation in the developing nervous system that in most regions of the brain the cells not only adhere to one another and also adopt some preferential orientation.
- to one another and also adopt
- one to the other, and also they adopt
- one to the other, but also adopting
- to one another but also adopt
- to each other, also adopting
Answer : D
- Among the reasons for the decline of New England agriculture in the last three decades were the high cost of land, the pressure of housing and commercial development, and basing a marketing and distribution system on importing produce from Florida and California.
- basing a marketing and distribution system on importing produce from Florida and california basing a marketing and distribution system on the imported produce of Florida and California
- basing a system of marketing and distribution on the import of produce from Florida and California
- a marketing and distribution system based on importing produce from Florida and California
- a marketing and distribution system importing produce from Florida and California as its base
Answer : D
- Like Byron at Missolonghi, Jack london was slowly killed by the mistakes of the medical men who treated him.
- Like Byron
- Like Byron's death
- Just as Byron died
- Similar to Byron
- As did Byron
Answer : A
- One of every two new businesses fail within two years.
- fail
- fails
- should fail
- may have failed
- has failed
Answer : B
- Even today, a century after Pasteur developed the first vaccine, rabies almost always kills its victims unless inoculated in the earliest stages of the disease.
- its victims unless inoculated
- its victims unless they are inoculated
- its victims unless inoculation is done
- the victims unless there is an inoculation
- the victims unless inoculated
Answer : B
- In a period of time when women typically have had a narrow range of choices, Mary Baker Eddy became a distinguished writer and the founder, architect, and builder of a growing church.
- In a period of time when women typically have
- During a time in which typically women have
- Typically, during a time when women
- At a time when women typically
- Typically in a time in which women
Answer : D
- The message conveyed by the conference speakers make me feel fortunate that I did not invest all of my money in stocks traded on the NASDAQ stock exchange.
- make me feel fortunate that I did not invest all of my money in stocks traded on the NASDAQ stock exchange.
- make me feel fortunate that I did not invest all of my money in NASDAQ stocks.
- make me feel fortunate that I did not invest my money in NASDAQ stocks.
- makes me feel fortunate that I did not invest all of my money in NASDAQ stocks.
- makes me feel fortunate that I did not invest my money in NASDAQ stocks.
Answer : D
- Cynics charge that Major League Baseball lobbied for stadiums with fewer seats to reduce supply and increase ticket prices.
- lobbied for stadiums with fewer seats to reduce supply and increase ticket prices.
- lobbied for stadiums with less seats to reduce supply and increase ticket prices.
- lobbied for stadiums that had fewer seats to reduce supply and increase ticket prices.
- lobbied for stadiums that had less seats to reduce supply and increase ticket prices.
- lobbied for stadiums that had less seats as a means of reducing supply so they could increase ticket prices.
Answer : A
- The Navy used the nuclear submarine accident off the coast of Hawaii to show that everyone must be held responsible for their actions.
- to show that everyone must be held responsible for their actions.
- to demonstrate their belief that everyone must be held responsible for their actions.
- to demonstrate its belief that everyone must be held responsible for their actions.
- to signal how no one should be able to get away with committing acts of terrible negligence.
- to show that everyone must be held responsible for his actions.
Answer : E
- I never fail to get frustrated on the golf course: nonetheless, I always resolve to continue my involving in the game.
- on the golf course: nonetheless, I always resolve to continue my involving in the game.
- on the golf course: nonetheless I always resolve to continue my involvement in the game.
- on the golf course; nonetheless, I always resolve to continue my involvement in the game.
- on the golf course; nonetheless I always resolve to continue my involvement in the game.
- on the golf course but I always still manage to find a way to resolve my self to continue my pursuit of the involvement of the game.
Answer : C
- Each of the movies were great and the choice for the best one among all three was very difficult indeed.
- were great and the choice for the best one among all three was very difficult indeed.
- was great and the choice for the best one among all three was very difficult indeed.
- were great and the choice for the best one between all three was very difficult indeed.
- was great and the choice for the best one between all three was very difficult indeed.
- were great and the choices between all three were very difficult indeed.
Answer : B
- The employees viewed the work-sharing plan with hostility, having feared that it will undermine the seniority system and negatively affect their retirement benefits.
- having feared that it will undermine
- fearing that it would undermine
- having the fear that it would undermine
- feared that it would undermine
- fearing that it will undermine
Answer : B
- In many coastal New England towns, the fisherman still operates as they have for generations, displaying and selling their catch dockside at the end of each day.
- the fisherman still operates as they have
- the fisherman still operates as was done
- fishermen still operate as they have done
- the fisherman still operates as he has
- fishermen still operate as they had
Answer : C
- The significant number of overtime and weekend hours accumulated by many employees in order to compensate for overly optimistic deadlines lend validity to the observation that many of the firm's top managers still pine for the era of the six-day work week.
- lend validity to the observation that many of the firm's top managers still pine for the era of the six-day work week
- lends validity to the observation of many of the firm's top managers' still pining for the era of the six-day work week
- lends validity to the observation of many of the firm's top managers, still pining for the six-day work week era
- lend it validity to observe that many of the firm's top managers still pine for the era of the six-day work week
- lends validity to the observation that many of the firm's top managers still pine for the era of the six-day work week
Answer : E
- Carbon-14 dating reveals that the megalithic monuments in Brittany are nearly 2,000 years as old as any of their supposed Mediterranean predecessors.
- as old as any of their supposed
- older than any of their supposed
- as old as their supposed
- older than any of their supposedly
- as old as their supposedly
Answer : B
- The cameras of the Voyager II spacecraft detected six small, previously unseen moons circling Uranus, which doubles to twelve the number of satellites now known as orbiting the distant planet.
- which doubles to twelve the number of satellites now known as orbiting
- doubling to twelve the number of satellites now known to orbit
- which doubles to twelve the number of satellites now known in orbit around
- doubling to twelve the number of satellites now known as orbiting
- which doubles to twelve the number of satellites now known that orbit
Answer : B
- During the war, the king and queen constantly visited factories and bombed out civilians.
- bombed out civilians
- they bombed the civilians out
- civilians bombed out
- civilians who had bombed out
- civilians who had been bombed out
Answer : E
- It's surprising that there is so much agreement between two such different people.
- such different people
- so different people
- people of such difference
- people who are such different
- such people who are different
Answer : B
- It is known that when neurons activate, we say that they "fire", and they pass on a signal to other neurons.
- we say that they "fire", and
- which we say they "fire", and
- called "firing", and
- referred to as "firing",
- which we call firing, and
Answer : D
- His wife works for the company, the Breakfast Group, so named because during the early years, Eric worked until breakfast, and is also a chartered accountant.
- works for the company, the Breakfast Group, so named because during the early years, Eric worked until breakfast, and is also a chartered accountant
- is a chartered accountant and also works for the company, the Breakfast Group, so named because during the early years, Eric worked until breakfast
- also works for the company and is a chartered accountant, the Breakfast Group, so named because during the early years, Eric worked until breakfast
- is also a chartered accountant for the Breakfast Group, so named because during the early years, Eric worked until breakfast, and works for the company
- works for the company, the Breakfast Group, so named because during the early years, Eric worked until breakfast, where she is a chartered accountant
Answer : B
- For the purposes of the model, the different areas would comprise a dividing line of a different colour between two blocks of the same colour.
- a dividing line of a different colour between two blocks of the same colour
- two same coloured blocks with a different coloured dividing line between them
- two blocks of the same colour with a dividing line of a different colour between them
- a different colour dividing line between two same colour blocks
- a dividing line where the colour was different between two blocks where the colour was the same
Answer : C
- She makes a vast number of telephone calls, and it must be wondered what her telephone bill is like.
- what her telephone bill is like
- how her telephone bill is
- how her telephone bill is like
- what her telephone bill would be like
- what her telephone bill is
Answer : E
- Please update and correct the form with the names and address of any new officers, returning the form to the Administration Department as soon as possible.
- address of any new officers, returning
- addresses of any new officers, and return
- addresses of any new officers, and return
- address of any new officers, by returning
- addresses of any new officers, and returning
Answer : B
- Until 1850, the speed of signals along nerves was believed to be at least as fast as light does travel.
- fast as light does travel
- the speed of light
- fast as the speed of light
- the speed of light is
- fast as the speed of light is
Answer : B
- Scientists have observed pig cells in the culture producing copies of the viral DNA using an electron microscope.
- Scientists have observed pig cells in the culture producing copies of the viral DNA using an electron microscope.
- In the culture, scientists have observed pig cells producing copies of the viral DNA using an electron microscope.
- In the culture, scientists using an electron microscope have observed pig cells in the culture producing copies of the viral DNA.
- Using an electron microscope, scientists have observed pig cells in the culture producing copies of the viral DNA.
- Using an electron microscope in the culture, scientists have observed pig cells in the culture producing copies of the viral DNA.
Answer : D
- Manchester United is one of the most famous and financially successful football clubs in the world, being recognised in virtually every country, even those with little interest in the sport.
- even those with
- even by those having
- even in those where there is
- especially by those having
- even in those countries where the inhabitants of the country possess
Answer : C
- The strength of a carbon-chlorine bond is stronger than that of a carbon-bromine bond, which is in turn greater than a carbon-iodine bond.
- which is in turn greater than
- which is in turn stronger than
- that is in turn greater than
- that is in turn stronger than
- in turn stronger than
Answer : A
- Princess Diana's dresses set the standard for all fashion houses in Europe. Such a thing didn't happen before or since.
- didn't happen before or
- had neither happened before or
- didn't happen before and hasn't happened
- hasn't happened either before or
- hadn't happened before and hasn't happened
Answer : E
- By the time of Fidelio, it became clear that Beethoven's dramatic and emotionally based composition had revolutionised the structure of classical music itself.
- became clear
- clarified
- had clarified
- had become clarified
- had become clear
Answer : E
- If the venom of the cobra snake gets in the eyes, it can cause intense pain, damage the cornea, and blindness.
- damage the cornea, and blindness
- damage to the cornea, and blindness
- damage the cornea, and cause blindness
- damage to the cornea, and cause blindness
- damaging the cornea, causing blindness
Answer : C
- They say a week in politics is a long time. Like politics, a week is a long time in teaching too!
- Like
- As
- As with
- Like in
- As in
Answer : E
- In July 2002, scientists announced the discovery of the first living creature on Earth to walk on four legs and which was 350 million years old.
- In July 2002, scientists announced the discovery of the first living creature on Earth to walk on four legs and which was 350 million years old.
- Scientists announced the discovery on Earth of the first living creature which walked on four legs and which was 350 million years old in July 2002.
- Scientists announced the discovery on Earth of the first living creature in July 2002 which walked on four legs and which was 350 million years old.
- In July 2002, scientists announced the discovery of the first living creature on Earth which walked on four legs and which was 350 million years old.
- Scientists announced the discovery of the first 350 million-year-old living creature on Earth to walk on four legs in July 2002.
Answer : D
- A fire in an enclosed space burns with the aid of reflected radiation that preheats the fuel, making ignition much easier and flames spreading more quickly.
- flames spreading
- flame spreads
- flames are caused to spread
- causing flames to spread
- causing spreading of the flames
Answer : D
- Roy Wilkins was among the last of a generation of civil rights activists who led the nation through decades of change so profound many young Americans are not able to imagine, even less to remember, what segregation was like.
- so profound many young Americans are not able to imagine, even less to remember
- so profound that many young Americans cannot imagine, much less remember
- so profound many young Americans cannot imagine nor even less remember
- of such profundity many young Americans cannot imagine, even less can they remember
- of such profundity that many young Americans are not able to imagine, much less to remember
Answer : B
- The residents' opposition to the spraying program has rekindled an old debate among those who oppose the use of pesticides and those who feel that the pesticides are necessary to save the trees.
- among those who oppose the use of pesticides and
- between those who oppose the use of pesticides and
- among those opposing the use of pesticides with
- between those who oppose the use of pesticides with
- among those opposing the use of pesticides and
Answer : B
- In cold-water habitats, certain invertebrates and fish convert starches into complex carbohydrates called glycerols, in effect manufacturing its own antifreeze.
- in effect manufacturing its own antifreeze
- effectively manufacturing antifreeze of its own
- in effect manufacturing their own antifreeze.
- so that they manufacture their own antifreeze
- thus the manufacture of its own antifreeze
Answer : C
- Slips of the tongue do not necessarily reveal concealed beliefs or intentions but rather are the result from the competition between various processing mechanisms in the brain.
- but rather are the result from
- and instead are the result from
- being rather the result of
- and rather result from
- but rather result from
Answer : E
- The new contract forbids a strike by the transportation union.
- forbids a strike by the transportation union
- forbids the transportation union from striking
- forbids that there be a strike by the transportation union
- will forbid the transportation union from striking
- will forbid that the transportation union strikes
Answer : A
- Monitoring heart patients' exercise, as well as athletes exercising, is now done by small transmitters broadcasting physiological measurements to nearby recording machines.
- Monitoring heart patients' exercise, as well as athletes exercising, is now done by small transmitters broadcasting physiological measurements to nearby recording machines.
- Monitoring the exercise of heart patients, as well as athletes exercising, is now done by small transmitters broadcasting physiological measurements to nearby recording machines
- Small transmitters broadcasting physiological measurements to nearby recording machines are now used to monitor the exercise of both heart patients and athletes.
- Broadcasting physiological measurements to nearby recording machines, small transmitters are now used to monitor heart patients' exercise, as well as athletes exercising.
- Both athletes exercising and heart patients' exercise are now monitored by small transmitters broadcasting physiological measurements to nearby recording machines.
Answer : C
- The commission has directed advertisers to restrict the use of the word "natural" to foods that do not contain color or flavor additives, chemical preservatives, or nothing that has been synthesized.
- or nothing that has been
- nor anything that was
- and nothing that is
- or anything that has been
- and anything
Answer : D
- Bringing the Ford Motor Company back from the verge of bankruptcy shortly after the Second World War was a special governmentally sanctioned price increase during a period of wage and price controls.
- Bringing the Ford Motor Company back from the verge of bankruptcy shortly after the Second World War was a special governmentally sanctioned price increase during a period of wage and price controls.
- What brought the Ford Motor Company back from the verge of bankruptcy shortly after the Second World War was a special price increase that the government sanctioned during a period of wage and price controls.
- That which brought the ford Motor Company back from the verge of bankruptcy shortly after the Second World War was a special governmentally sanctioned price increase during a period of wage and price controls.
- What has brought the Ford Motor Company back from the verge of bankruptcy shortly after the Second World War was a special price increase that the government sanctioned during a period of wages and price controls.
- To bring the Ford Motor Company back from the verge of bankruptcy shortly after the Second World War, there was a special price increase during a period of wages and price controls that government sanctioned.
Answer : B
- Like Haydn, Schubert wrote a great deal for the stage, but he is remembered principally for his chamber and concert-hall music.
- Like Haydn, Schubert
- Like Haydn, Schubert also
- As has Haydn, Schubert
- As did Haydn, Schubert also
- As Haydn did, Schubert also
Answer : A
- Charlotte Parkins Gilman, a late nineteenth-century feminist, called for urban apartment houses including child-care facilities and clustered suburban houses including communal eating and social facilities.
- including child-care facilities and clustered suburban houses including communal eating and social facilities
- that included child-care facilities, and for clustered suburban houses to include communal eating and social facilities
- with child-care facilities included and for clustered suburban houses to include communal eating and social facilities
- that included child-care facilities and for clustered suburban houses with communal eating and social facilities
- to include child-care facilities and for clustered suburban houses with communal eating and social facilities included
Answer : D
- The odds are about 4 to 1 against surviving a takeover offer, and many business consultants therefore advise that a company's first line of defense in eluding offers like these be to even refuse to take calls from likely corporate raiders.
- that a company's first line of defense in eluding offers like these be to even refuse
- that a company's first line of defense in eluding such offers be to refuse even
- a company defending itself against offers of this kind that, as a first line of defense, they should even refuse
- companies which are defending themselves against such an offer that, as a first line of defense, they should even refuse
- that the first line of defense for a company who is eluding offers like these is the refusal even.
Answer : B
- Japan received huge sums of capital from the United States after the Second World War, using it to help build a modern industrial system.
- Japan received huge sums of capital from the United States after the Second World War, using it to help build
- Japan received huge sums of capital from the United States after the Second World War and used it to help in building
- Japan used the huge sums of capital it received from the United States after the Second World War to help build
- Japan's huge sums of capital received from the United States after the Second World War were used to help it in building
- Receiving huge sums of capital from the United States after the Second World War, Japan used it to help build
Answer : C
- Although one link in the chain was demonstrated to be weak, but not sufficiently so to require the recall of the automobile.
- demonstrated to be weak, but not sufficiently so to require
- demonstrated as weak, but it was not sufficiently so that it required
- demonstrably weak, but not sufficiently so to require
- demonstrably weak, it was not so weak as to require
- demonstrably weak, it was not weak enough that it required
Answer : D
- Although the Supreme Court ruled as long ago as 1880 that Blacks could not be excluded outright from jury service, nearly a century of case-by-case adjudication has been necessary to develop and enforce the principle that all juries must be drawn from "a fair cross section of the community."
- has been necessary to develop and enforce the principle that all juries must be
- was necessary for developing and enforcing the principle of all juries being
- was to be necessary in developing and enforcing the principle of all juries to be
- is necessary to develop and enforce the principle that all juries must be
- will be necessary for developing and enforcing the principle of all juries being
Answer : A
- The modernization program for the steel mill will cost approximately 51 million dollars, which it is hoped can be completed in the late 1980's.
- The modernization program for the steel mill will cost approximately 51 million dollars, which it is hoped can be completed in the late 1980's.
- The modernization program for the steel mill, hopefully completed in the late 1980's, will cost approximately 51 million dollars.
- Modernizing the steel mill, hopefully to be completed in the late 1980's, will cost approximately 51 million dollars.
- The program for modernizing the steel mill, which can, it is hoped, be completed in the late 1980's and cost approximately 51 million dollars.
- Modernizing the steel mill, a program that can, it is hoped, be completed in the late 1980's, will cost approximately 51 million dollars.
Answer : E